The Irish Sailing National Powerboat Training Scheme is the nationally recognised for this type of boat. We offer three levels of certified training in open powerboats. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to operate a fast powerboat. Therefore we can only offer Introduction to Powerboating to younger trainees in the vessels we use.

Introduction to Powerboating
The aim of this course is to provide a short practical introduction to boat handling and safety. By the end of the course participants will be able to safely and effectively crew a powerboat.
The course consists of 7 hours tuition over one day.

National Powerboat Certificate
The objective of this course is to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively skipper and open powerboat by day, on inland and coastal waters.
The course requires a minimum of 14 hours tuition over two days.

Safety Boat Certificate
The aim of this course is to introduce candidates to the techniques and skills used in powerboats to Escort dinghies, windsurfers or canoes and provide safety cover for training & racing fleets or assist in race management duties.